Birthday Surprise

The room was adorned with colourful flowers and even balloons while a huge banner that read," Happy Birthday Emilia" hung in the middle of the large ballroom, announcing to everyone what the celebration was about. It touched Emilia's heart that Amy had taken into consideration her wishes but also given her a surprise birthday party much like the one she had always craved as a young child.

The only time her father had ever celebrated her birthday, had been when he'd wanted to get Amy to come to Valleys. It was a good time for Amy to return of course so she never would look back at the night with disappointment. 

However, she had become used to not celebrating her birthday. She spent her morning in the office, her afternoon at the hospital, celebrating with the children and now her evening would be spent with people she actually liked. Yes, there were other guests mingling there but Emilia did not mind their presence.