Dual Identity

Tension hung heavy in the air while Emilia stared at the man who stared back at her with pity in his eyes. It was an expression that she had never seen in that man's eyes. She felt a moment of doubt but soon her expression firmed. No. Clive was well-versed in the act of manipulating others. She had seen it herself in the way he had fooled her father and gained his trust. 

She'd barely thought of her father when the man himself barged in. Clive or Clifford whatever his name was bowed as much as he could as he greeted," Greetings, your Majesty."

King Delroy stared intently at the man before walking forward and hurriedly hugging him," Clive. It is so good to see you. Where were you all these years? My poor Emilia had been awaiting your return. Were you hurt and unable to come back? Or were you worried about... what happened to your legs..."