Wake Up

Slowly, Noel opened his eyes, blinking away the dizziness that he felt. The room was filled with a sterile smell, immediately letting him know that he was in the hospital. The soft beeping of the machines confirmed his conclusion. As he became aware of himself, he felt his hand being held in a tight hold and slowly turned his head.

The first thing he saw was a hand holding his. And then he noticed, Emilia was slumped in her chair, fast asleep. His fingers twitched in her grasp, wanting to hold her hand back but he could barely turn his hand.

Letting his hand rest, and feeling her slight warmth, Noel simply gazed at Emilia. She looked gaunt from exhaustion. It made him realize that he may have been unconscious for a longer while. Mustering a weak smile, he closed his eyes. Even if she had lost weight and was tired to the bone, at least she was safe. That is what mattered the most.