76 – On the Air

I flew at maximum speed and hit one person climbing the rope. Then, I maneuvered and kicked another one. However, just as I was about to hit the third one, a fireball came at me, forcing me to dodge it.

And then, the fireballs from the wyverns kept coming at me. So I kept moving away, not having a chance to attack.

Panic was starting to fill my head, but I tried to stay calm, or else I wouldn't have come up with a good solution.

I flew low and found the wyverns didn't care about the kingdom's troops. They kept shooting at me with fireballs, though it ended up hitting their own allies, as well as hitting my subordinates.

Should I wait until the succubi come?

No, I have to do something else too. Maybe the succubi weren't enough against all this.

When turning my head to the wyverns chasing me, I saw a shapeshifter turn several of his comrades and foes into the undead. I then contacted Emily, giving her some instructions.