93 – A City that Refuses to Change

It's just a one-day trip from Nueridge to Madcrest city. A shapeshifter in the form of a skinny old man greeted us upon arrival.

"It's getting late. I'd better take you to the inn first." The old man offered to us.

I looked around the narrow city streets. The architectures of this place are far from impressive compared to other cities I've been to. Every corner looks almost the same, with two-story square shape buildings in dull brown color.

"Are any officers from the capital coming here?" I asked the shapeshifter.

He tilted his head back. "There are some people who come from the central government. However, I don't see their activity."

"They got bribes from this city government, right?" Emily smirked.

"What's a little worrying are some of the shadow members." The shapeshifter continued. "However, thanks to your instructions, we could find them and finish them off."