110 – Roam

My hair has grown long, and my beard has become thick. I kept wandering in the forest, roaming and hoping to find something strange.

And I've been through it for almost two months.

"Hey, finally, we meet again!" Sam, the man who came up to me the first day I was here, waved at me. "You look so much like me now!"

"Get lost, Sam." Whenever I meet that guy, I get irritated and want to be far away from him. Maybe I feel like I see a reflection of myself in the future if I stay here too long.

"Oh, come on!" That man protested as I walked from him. "Talk with me today! I just caught a big fish, you know. I can't eat it alone."

All I'm doing here is walking and walking through the trees. There's really nothing else here, but I still refuse to talk to him.

After all, I can still talk to Ayre with the remote communication feature.

Once away from that man, I gathered the tree branches, then lit them by swiping two fire magic stones.