130 – The Facility

{Vorn's POV}

I was standing in one of the buildings in the royal capital of Durcia.

It was a sunny day, and the snow had been cleared from the main road. However, people were reluctant to go out because the road was very slippery. I only found a few patrolmen or those who had to work outside.

After gradually incorporating my subordinates into this city, I could finally execute my plan.

Satisfied with surveying the streets, I lifted my face, looking at the secret research facility from a distance.

Compared to other buildings, mostly garment factories or blacksmiths, that building stands out with its towering height.

However, no one would think that it was a research center. The people here only know that place as an office that regulates the goods produced in this area.

Of course, that's a lie. Samples of clothes, other textile products, or metal equipment registered there will definitely pass the selection.

They do not care what the quality of the commodities produced.