177 – Just a Regular Day at the Base

Robyn walked into a large house outside the main cave. Then, she knocked on the door, and a woman with wavy black hair opened it from inside.

"Oh, it's you, Robyn." The woman smiled. "Come in. There's something interesting inside."

"Something interesting?" Robyn raised an eyebrow, then followed her friend into the house. "Where are the other girls? It's so quiet."

Lacey sighed. "They went to the mini-soccer area. Some joined in the game, others watched."

"Why don't you come with them?" Robyn asked again.

"You know I don't like crowds and don't really like mini-soccer either." Lacey sighed. "So, this silence is a gift. Those girls are too noisy. Sometimes I envy you who have your own home."

"Well, sometimes I feel lonely too." Robyn chuckled. "But I'm sure you are a hard worker. One day, Lord Vorn will give you a place to live that is more private than a dorm like this."

"I don't know, Rob." Lacey shrugged. "And I'm just a poor tailor running away from her insane husband."