180 – Making the System

I let out an extraordinarily long sigh after hearing Szur's story. My eyes looked at Robyn and Zroc standing in front of me.

"So, now that woman is being treated at the clinic, guarded by madam Velvet and her guards. They are afraid that the woman is going crazy again." Szur ended his report. "So, now all you have to do is give the appropriate punishment, my lord."

"Put them in the cells for two weeks," I replied, too lazy to think of a punishment that would suit them. My mind is too tired. "I have no problem with public nudity, but this happened without her consent. She was under the influence of a substance. And luckily, this is all that happened."

Zroc raised a hand. "May I make a defense, my lord?"

I sighed a second time. "What do you want to say?"

"The jiggles of that woman's boobs are so hilarious. You won't stop laughing if you see it in person."

I was stunned and could hear the succubi and minotaur guards on either side of me giggling.