198 – Insanity in a Room

"My lord!!! I think this is dangerous!!!" Lexi is getting away from us.

I laughed, hearing the roar of the dragon woman getting crazier.

And finally, it happened. Velvet's femininity spouted a blazing fire. My body did burn from it, and it was quite painful. However, I can still withstand it without any damage at all.

Velvet fell down with a heavy breath, and Lexi quickly extinguished the fire with the cold from her hand. The flames were gone in just a short moment, turning some items into smoky charcoal.

Lexi knelt down and breathed a sigh of relief.

I opened my pants which were partly burnt. "You really are reliable, Doc."

I grabbed the dragon lady by the hips, and she growled. Yes, I will not be satisfied with just that.

"No…" The doctor shook her head. "This is going to be very dangerous."

I laughed again. "I believe in your ability to put out the fire.."
