242 – Inside the Ocean

Emily yawned, looking at the dark seawater. The lighting from her submarine did help her sight, but what she saw was still a mass of water and the occasional fish.

Nothing appealed to the supreme undead. She had been doing this for days, and the boredom had gotten to her.

"Hey, Rilla," Emily called the mermaid. "How many days until we reach our destination?"

Rilla rubbed her chin, thinking for a moment. "Maybe in about a week, I guess?"

The supreme undead massaged her forehead. Yes, she had been in that undead cave for hundreds of years. But that doesn't mean she wants to repeat the same thing again.

After going out and seeing the outside world, she felt thrilled.

"But it seems we don't need to go to that creature's place," Rilla muttered. "He's coming to us."

"Huh?" Emily raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean…."

Just a second later, Emily already knew what Rilla meant. A black silhouette appeared in the distance, swimming towards the supreme undead.