250 – Retro Game Center

My ladies, now dressed in clothes appropriate to this world, looked at the red neon sign on a building.

"Retro game center?" Emily scratched her hair. "That's an odd name. What is it supposed to be? A centerpiece for games? And what does Retro mean?"

"All of you will be surprised." I chuckled, locked my van, checked my phone briefly, then showed them the screen. "Look, we've become big news. The whole world already knows about us."

Those women gasped or widened their eyes, looking at the photos of our attempt to escape.

"But we just ran away last night!" Lexi looked completely bewildered. "There's no way the whole world would know!"

"Is that us?" Emily grimaced while observing those CCTV images. "How can this image exist on such a small device. It's not a crystal ball, is it?"