Everyone in the ballroom still shivered from the impact of the presence that just left. It caused goosebumps on their skin. They couldn't figure out what had happened as everyone stared at each other bewildered. The ballroom was still very much dark till a few maids lit up the candles around. 


King Gerald knew the ritual was successful when he couldn't find his daughter among his people or in the entire castle. Everything happened so quickly, only a moment ago did he see her dancing before everyone and now she's gone. He couldn't believe Asmodeus possessed such power to make them not see him, not even once. Maybe he had underestimated the man.

But he was happy the deal is done. "The ritual is complete!!" Potiphar, Gerald's right-hand man announced to see everyone cheer.

Real music began, the melopoioi sang and played her flute. One thing the people of Neil were known for was their dancing skills, they were great dancers.