I and Daphne moved around the castle after my breakfast. I still couldn't believe everything I heard about father and why he had come to take me away.

He doesn't care about me and only want a higher social ranking. I didn't want to see him now not only because of what he had done, but partly because of what he had become.

I get nightmares from the monster I saw him transform into.

"These are the sculptures of the king's brothers but they're all myths now." Daphne's words got me out of my lost state and I stared down at the three gigantic sculptures standing tall in the castle ground. They were actually four, but one seemed to be broken in half with the other half of it missing.

I wondered what that one looked like. I wondered about the stories behind each of them. A thick black cloth was used to cover the last sculpture as if they were hiding it from people.

"Geyron, the one who guards hell now." She pointed at the first sculpture.