"A tailor will be sent in later for you to check your dress for tomorrow."

"It's so soon," I said

"You've been gone for more than a month, I don't think it's soon."

"Why do you want to get married to me?" His thoughtful gaze lingered around me.

"Are you hungry?" The maid standing at the corner jumped into action as he served the food on the table.

"Yes, thank you." I picked a bread from the table breaking it in half as I place a potion on my plate returning the other to its position.

"You still haven't answered my question yet my lord," I said.

"Why do you want to get married to me? I was sold to you, I could just be one of your maids if you wish."

"Or sex slave." He completed the words and I gulped hard."Why get married to you when I could do whatever I wanted with you?" He asked staring at me.

He placed some food on his plate still staring at me. "I can just let you move around freely but be my tool of satisfaction and source of meal."