"Please don't hurt her, she hadn't done anything." I pleaded.

"What?" Leviathan stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"Please," I begged again. I was grateful she had spared my life when I walked into her world uninvited.

"You're Lucky she didn't harm you." He said pulling me close to wrap me in his embrace.

"You're lucky I'm not in the mood to punish you and make you scream." I jerked out of his hold but he held me down, burying his face further into my back.

I know Leviathan would never let me out of his sight ever again. He had trusted me and was willing to fight because of me, but here I was running at the slightest opening I got.

"I won't let you punish me." My voice shook even as I stared at him with so much courage that I could muster. I recalled the woman's words.

Was it him? Was my soul bound to Leviathan inescapably?