I could see how tensed Gandhi was when Leviathan was here and how relieved she looks now he was gone. "Don't be offended if I may say my lady, but his grace always terrifies me each time I see him." She held her lips immediately after those words left her lips as if regretting why she said it.

I smiled. It's normal for everyone to be scared of Leviathan. I was scared the first time I met him. He has the aura of a beast, a dangerous one that can shred you apart without mercy.

He frowns all the time and barely smiles. Though I've seen him grin a few times, most times he chuckles, but that's just to me alone. I've never seen him smile with anyone else. Not even with Everette and the rest.

"You said nothing wrong Gandhi, but Leviathan is a good man."

"You're the first to ever say something good about him," Gandhi stated placing a few dishes on the table.