I had long left the hall and was now in my room buried in my thought. If I hadn't known what would happen if Leviathan eventually loses, I had a clue now.

He might never come back again if he does and I might end up belonging to Asmodeus. The thought alone made me shiver. I was scared of what he might do to me this time.

I was yet to know why both brothers fought each other, why they couldn't just live in peace or better still avoid each other. And the fact that Leviathan cannot recall a thing from his past life was astonishing. He barely knows who he is and just relies on the tales told by his people.

No one knows and understands you better than you know yourself. Most times we don't even know who we are cause drastic situations can change you into something else.

I got off the bed to seat before my dressing mirror staring at my reflection. There must be something I can do to help rather than seating alone in this room doing nothing.

But what can I do?