I awoke to a soft knock on the door and the sound of muffled voices. I could have sworn I heard Gandhi's voice but it was only for a brief moment as the voice disappeared after.

I lifted the blanket higher against me, and the fabric felt blissful against my skin. My very bare skin as I covered my bare body.

I blinked my eyes open just as Leviathan was closing the door. He was wearing nothing but his trousers only halfway buttoned, and his hair was mussed from sleep. But he held a tray of food in his hands and my clothing in his arms.

"Morning," he mumbled when he noticed me looking up at him a small smile on his delicate lips.

"Morning," I groaned as I pushed up in the bed until I was sitting. There was a slight ache between my thighs that reminded me of what we had done the night before. I didn't want to think about that, especially the part where I had drank his blood.