Once the rain was down, we all got back to the road and continued our journey. Pauline and Everett still exchanged words between themselves and no one said a thing about it. According to Adonis, they have always been this way.

The youngest in the group fought all the time. Leviathan has not said a word to them, he must also be exhausted by their constant fights and quarrels.

The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun showing its last beauty to the world before darkness wraps us all. Just as we got further, I saw a castle up on the mountain, with strange dark clouds around it.

I had been excited about the castle cause I wanted to get off this horse quickly, but seeing this I didn't know what to think. I had mixed feeling about this place.

"We talked about the weather change earlier. This is what it looks like." Leviathan said close to my ears causing shivers down my spine.