Prologue: The Vow of Vengeance 3

At the end of the massacre, one of the lances flew towards empty space only for an unknown reason. The lance skewered something as the sound of butchered flesh echoed.

As the weapon nailed itself to the ground, an eye the size of a basketball with bat wings suddenly appeared along its shaft. Hiro, who was unhappy he didn't even get to fight, picked it up and commented.

"Hmm, it's a surveillance familiar, it probably belongs to Rhyne." As if to answer the eye then started speaking for everyone to hear.

"Correct my dear Hiro, I wanted to see first-hand the mighty power you wield. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the dashing appearance of the demonic butcher they speak of. While the women around you are impressive, I have no need of such party tricks, I am after you alone my dear."

Hiro replied to the thing in front of him, "I told you I am not interested in being part of your lovers Rhyne, you already have more than enough to keep you up at night. And even more, begging for your attention."

The eye then closed as if musing, as the crown princess continued to speak.

"That I do, but do they even matter? I must say how did you ever figure out my true nature? Don't I have the image of a helpless damsel? I am falling for you more by the second! Come to me dear, take me, and make me yours as I give you a taste of heaven."

Unable to hold it in any longer the eye was yanked away from Hiro's by three pairs of hands. The hands forced the eyeball with wings to face three women, each of them speaking in anger.

"He isn't interested you depraved slut, how the hell can you give him a taste of heaven? All you have is a padded chest and holes looser than an ugly bastard's socks!"

"Your highness, it is unbecoming of the Dominii royalty to steal someone else's husband. NTR is a capital offense, the same level as rape! Please change your ways. Also, using mana to enlarge your boobs is both pitiful and unhealthy, please try to use alternative means instead."

"Whore. Slut. Flat like boards. Easy to nail. Hiro loves big boobs."

The familiar suddenly opened its eyelid and strained to look at each of the girls, specifically their chest areas.

"And who the fuck are you harlots supposed to be? Why are you hanging around my Hiro?! Also, I am not flat okay!! Look at these D-cup 96 cm breasts you fuckers!"

The Divine Forger answered the crown princess in annoyance. "We are his wives you flat-chested piece of trash! We bare his name and hold his affection, stop calling darling yours! It's beyond pathetic! BIATCH!"

The Rune Meister continued to rebuke the princess. "I try to be kind to everyone your grace, but you are the one person I cannot forgive! Please prepare yourself, I will repay the pain and humiliation my beloved had to endure because of you a thousand-fold! Please never forget my words! …Bitch!"

The Mystic Enchanter then made the eye float with her magic as she vowed in an emotionless voice. "Revenge for Husband. Wash neck. Bish." She then smashed the eye like a ball into the air as all three women prepared to destroy the familiar.

Rhyne laughed maniacally at their attempts to insult her. Her words grew hysterical in insanity,

"You can try all you want! But Hiro belongs to me! I will send you three to the monster mines and make him watch footage of your holes being fucked! I have my Starfall battle harem behind me. What do you three have?"

All three of the women shouted in unison. "THE BATTLE HAREM OF THE HEAVENLY SWORD!" Immediately after a golden sword aura, an exploding arrow, and a magical lightning bolt destroyed the source of the crown princess's voice, silencing it forever.

Hiro who saw the angry women seething in fury, tried to calm them down. "Ugh, girls are you all right?"

Ignoring the man to their side the three women in cloaks started discussing their next steps and eventually gave their instructions to their adjutants either through magic devices, telepathic runes, or mana circles.

"Argh, I just want to cut her head off. Lara! Call the Vermilion Flashers, we will be conducting Anti-army, Anti-Dominator drills every day for the foreseeable future.

"Also, prepare Anti-Castle battle exercises using the Dominii Imperial Castle as a template. Execute all the spies planted by the Domini and place their heads on pikes." Said the Divine Forger

The Rune Meister ordered her subordinate. "Mai, please prepare the supplies and intelligence we would need for an invasion, the target will be the four nobles' houses and the capital of Valorious.

"I want trading of their specialties stopped, their supply lines to be cut and each area to becomes economically isolated. Tell everyone who owes us that all debts will be considered repaid for this request. Please mobilize the entire Verdant Golden Shower Group to complete the task."

Finally the Mystic Enchanter ask commanded in a voice devoid of emotion. "Cereza. Deploy Shibari Sapphires Rabbits. Its time. Priority B and above. Kill them all. Frame noble houses. Incite rebellion. Sabotage strongholds No Mistakes. Quickly. Quietly."

Lara, Mai, and Cereza who functioned as the adjutants were alarmed by the instructions thus each woman asked for confirmation.

"My liege, You know I would die for you, but such actions are considered treason."

"Empress, does Heavenly Sword finally intend to show its fangs? Are we certain?"

"There would be no going back, will the Grand Dominant agree with those plans, master?"

Hiro who suddenly felt the gaze of three predators was akin to a rabbit amid wolves. The Dominant of Heavenly Sword gave up resisting.

Knowing his plans for the week pretty much fucked, the man could only relay to the adjutants in a defeated voice. "Lara, Mai, Cereza, I approve of them, follow the empresses' words to the letter and let our allies know, [Heavenly Sword] marches off to war."

"As you command Grand Dominant!" x3

Upon receiving his reply, the adjutants quickly started to fulfill the commands of their respective empresses. Thousand's started to move like a well-oiled machine. A war for the continent would now begin due to the words of one man.

Hiro who needed to endure being sexually frustrated started to hate Princess Rhyne anew.

"As if what you did to me in the past required more. I probably have the biggest blue balls on this planet right now. Though I guess it was inevitable, you will not stop and I will never yield. I wanted to take a few more years but it is what it is."

While they were estranged now, there came a period in time Hiro adored the princess with his all. He once vowed to dedicate his efforts, time, and adoration only to her. Like a simp on the online platform HornyFans.

However, thinking about it further it was thanks to the entanglement he had with Rhyne that he met the women who would eventually become his wives.

He started to reminisce about the life he left behind, the one that introduced him to this world. The life where he found love, where he triumphed against the impossible, and the life where he died in vain.