A New Ally and the Legacy of Salvation

The dawn before Hiro's hunt, the transmigrator woke to see the women originally around him have all disappeared. When he focused on his hearing, the continuous rhythm of a hammer striking something metallic entered his ears.

He got up, made the bed, and walked out to the backyard. Voices could be heard even before he approached.

"Lene you are sure about this? We aren't even sure if it would work. Please reconsider."

"We already had this conversation, Nessa. Jei, continue grafting the array. We only have one shot."

"Ugh. Hurry. Coding difficult."

"But I'm not even an official Alchemy apprentice, writing runes for me is too much."

"So? I'm not even an official blacksmith, I'm just a striker, one of those who hammer ore. Jade isn't even an Array Technician, just a coder. What have you got to lose?"

"Shrimp. Stop being chicken. You worry. We know. We all do. We cannot lose him. No matter what."

"But this is already good enough as it is. If I fail the entire thing will melt."