The Demonic Butcher 2

Originally it took a bit of Mana to create footholds, but together with the familiarity, Hiro reduced it to around 10 MP per foothold, when he shaped it to be traps, it increased to 12 MP each.

Knowing the battlefield granted a side an insane advantage in combat. Hiro created what he called "Flying Caltrops". He created a bunch of them while walking around and stored them in his inventory.

Even as a gamer, Hiro knew regeneration for powers or HP was wasted if you always remained full. Learning from the system Hiro found out Novices gained 1 point for each caliber every 30 minutes. Novices were what the system considered newbs.

Any System user who failed to reach Lvl 25 is considered a novice. Level 25 to level 49 granted the system users the [Initiate] rank. [Adepts] began at 50 and ended at 99. Anyone above 100 joined the ranks of the [Awakened].