The Final Bow 2

Instead of using [Annihilate] for all seven blows of [Hammer Spin] Aurum decided to not dilute the buff over seven blows and save it all for his last strike. Hiro's lesson resonated deeply with the San-Baka. In the fun camp, they battled without pause thus they also used their skills nonstop.

[Hammer Blow] which was Aurum's strongest skill used Aura to magnify his strike and repeat it five times, each time stronger than the last. Throughout fun camp, the number of monsters Aurum smashed to pieces went in the high sixties.

As he continued repeating the skill, getting trampled during the stupor window, he eventually learned [Hammer Blow]'s next iteration [Hammer Spin]. This skill unlike its predecessor isn't limited to only one target. Aurum gained the ability to either split the strikes between opponents or focus them all on one opponent.