Fun-Camp Part Two 6

Aurum dumped all his Aura into his bone greatsword as he made a deep sigh, the excitement in his body coursed like lightning. To anyone on the outside, this event looks like a fucking catastrophe. The Standar were not the best warriors, they were traders by profession.

Going up against monster invasions sounded like something their allies the Renacida would do. Yet here he was serving as the vanguard for a caravan charging forth into a large group of beasts.

In his path twenty 30-meter snakes, Jormungandrs were menacingly preparing to strike. Behind them, an even bigger 50-meter behemoth with eight legs known as a Goliath dragoneater spider sat waiting for the caravan to come closer.

Among the horde in front of him, numerous Hercules Antlions, Desert dragons, and five-tailed terror scorpions charged towards them. To most such odds would be impossible. Yet the son of Standar didn't have a drop of fear in his eyes.