Beautiful Swords 7

At her interrogative question, the six warriors straightened up like their boss arrived to inspect them. They immediately removed themselves from the doorway as the leader replied. "Lady Tsugumi, we did not, we simply asked this kind sir if they came at a Dominators recommendation."

Tsugumi then chucked as she answers. "Haha, Gentlemen you could have a hundred of me and you would still fail to bar my brother from this shop. Good thing I arrived, he does not spare punches like I do." The steel men noticeably gulped and the one with a red chevron on his shoulder declared in a small voice.

"Hehe, if they are with you Lady Tsugumi then they must be noble individuals, please forgive me, my lord. My eyes need treatment for not being able to see your eminence. Please enjoy shopping at the cutting edge."