Summoning the Watchdog of Overternia

Jei didn't say anything and created small darts that now had high RPMs and flew at the speed of sound. Tsugumi who tried to block them felt the power behind the projectiles. One of her caliber swords broke when it couldn't stop the darts.

Suddenly a man covered in Aura armor tumbled through the walls as he crashed into them. A red knight with glowing hair chased after him as she roared in bloodlust. "Is that the best you can do Son of Standar? Caelum would be mortified his lineage has produced nothing but cowards!"

Raylene then proceeded to continually attack Aurum as he tried to get up. One of his legs no longer worked as it got bent in the wrong direction. Tsugumi sent Caliber swords to support him but the warrior in red armor shattered them with a couple of blows.