[Optional Chapter] Hiro Stat Breakdown

Companion Chapter.

The following is a breakdown explanation of how a person becomes powerful through the battle harem system.

In his original life, Hiro died at level 49, he died with only 2600 stats. In contrast right now. The butcher the following as his basic stat page.


Name: Hiroto Musashi

Race: Reincarnator | Transmigrator | Ancient Human

Past Lives: (Hiroyuki Mitsurugi)

Level: 70

Age: 18

Title: Heavenly Sword

HP 1,302,289/1,302,289| MP 537,360/537,360| SP 739,365/739,365 |AP 712,900/712,900

STR 14,258 +27,850 (1000)| AGI 13,443 +24,501 (1000)| INT 13,434 +25,408 (1000)


To explain this increase let's follow it using only 1 stat, STR or Strength. Hiro at Level 70 has the following breakdown.

Base Level STR - 117 (Starting STR)

Level up STR - 499 (Level 70 *Regalia Clutch 2.7)

Ingested Extrinsic - 3000 ( ICE System, Reward 1000 x 3)