Knocked her elbow

Yin Zhu pushed herself off the floor and then wiped the dust that was sticking to her dress just as Jiang Duo went to help her up. He wanted to help Yin Zhu up but when he saw that she stood up from the floor on her own, he dropped his hand which was half raised in the air back to his side.

" I think I have something that will suit you," said Jiang Duo with a smile as he tried to change the heavy mood that was pressing on his shoulders. Even though Yin Zhu did not see his move, Yin Xia did and now she was looking at him with an apprehensive and sympathetic gaze, Jiang Duo did not want Yin Xia to look at him as if he was already rejected.

That was why he walked towards the aisle where the dresses were hanging on mid-size racks and pointed to the rack that had dresses that only went past a woman's knees their skirt hovering an inch above a woman's ankles. " These are the dresses that have been recently launched by the seamstress of our shop. It is simple and comfortable to walk in, with the skirt an inch above your ankles, I am sure that your feet will no longer entangle in the length of your skirt causing you to fall every now and then."

Yin Xia took a look at the dresses, they were indeed simple and did not have much flare, and their length was a plus one as well, with the skirt only reaching up to Yin Zhu's ankles, Yin Xia was sure that her sister would no longer fall on the ground as much as she usually does——


Yin Xia exasperatedly looked at Yin Zhu who was now rubbing her elbow with a concerned-looking Jiang Duo standing next to her.

" I would like to see something with full sleeves as well, Mister Jiang," said Yin Xia as she took out the ointment from her purse that she carried with her always and then walked over to Yin Zhu before clasping her wrist and shooting her a stern look. " Stand straight and don't move so much, do you think that you haven't aggravated your bump enough already?"

Yin Zhu was an omega with pale skin and a body that was prone to getting injured easily. The knock into the wall might have only made a beta wince at most but by the time Yin Xia applied the ointment onto Yin Zhu's elbow the small bump has turned alarming purple as if Yin Zhu didn't bump into a wall but had her entire elbow smashed by something.

Even Jiang Duo couldn't help but be startled by the sight of the bump. " Are you sure that you are all right, Miss Yin?"

He has never seen a beta getting injured so easily!

" Of course I am," Yin Zhu replied even though her elbow was throbbing as if she was hit by a hammer there was no way that Yin Zhu could show that she was hurting. To the world, she was a beta and a beta female didn't cry in pain just because she knocked her elbow into a wall. "I am fine, it's just that my skin is paler than others, that's why it is looking this bad but I am all right, it doesn't hurt."

It was hurting so badly that she wanted to curse someone.

Yin Xia finished applying the ointment to Yin Zhu's elbow, she took a glance at Yin Zhu's brave expression and her heart couldn't help but ache for her sister. Her sister couldn't even withstand something so small as this how was she going to work in the Situ family where those noble young masters and mistresses killed their servants as if they were chopping vegetables?

" I think it will be better if we make some changes to the dresses that we are going to buy for you," said Yin Xia as she moved forward and picked up two dresses. One was olive coloured with white sleeves and the other one was similar to the olive one except it was grey with black sleeves. " Mister Jiang, can you pad the elbows of these two dresses? As you can see my sister is used to knocking into things."

" I can do that," said Jiang Duo with a nod. " Anything for Zhu…I mean anything for my customers." He hurriedly pack peddled when he noticed Yin Xia raise her brow at him, he got a bit too overexcited.

Yin Zhu on the other hand had other worries, she looked at Mister Jiang and asked, " How much are these two dresses with the padding included?"

" That will cost you two three silver nuts but I will knock one nut since you two are my loyal customers." Mister Jiang was actually already giving them a discounted price but Yin Zhu who knew that her father's entire month's salary was fifteen nuts frowned at once. She couldn't spend a total of three nuts on just two dresses even if Mister Jiang was to take a nut off. " That.."

" We will take it," said Yin Xia suddenly causing Yin Zhu to stare at her.

" Will you excuse us a moment, Mister Jiang?" Yin Zhu requested Mister Jiang who in turn nodded his head, seeing the man nod, Yin Zhu dragged her sister to the side and said sharply, " What are you doing? You can buy me a cheaper dress. I will be fine with it! You do know that we can buy an entire week's worth of ration with that sum of money. "

" Oh, don't worry Zhu'er, I know what I am doing," replied Yin Xia as she patted her sister on the back. " I have been saving money for quite some time and I have enough savings to buy you two dresses what's more at this moment, saving money is not important, making sure that no one catches you are an omega is, you have no idea what happens to the omegas who are caught by alphas."

" I will be fine——" began Yin Zhu but then her sister's eyes brightened sharply as she glared at Yin Zhu. " I do not want to hear it, I am not willing to take the risk and you shouldn't either, the last thing I want is you attracting the attention of an alpha."
