
Three days later…

Father Yin was busy sipping his tea while he read the newspaper, he would click his tongue every once and then whenever he read about an alpha noble punishing his beta servant for absolutely no reason. " Being a beta these days is more like a concubine serving the Emperor, who knows when our master's mood will change."

" True that, I hope that the young missies will be in a good mood today, I am the one in charge of taking care of delivering their laundry today," said Yin Xia who was washing the dishes that were left in the water vat from last night, her hair was tied into a long ponytail and she was ready to leave for work at any time. An apron was tied to her waist as she poured the dirty water into the drainage and was just going to place the water vat calmly on the floor when several crashes came from inside the house.

Yin Xia was startled into dropping the water vat straight on her foot while Father Yin choked on the sip that he has just taken. He coughed and spluttered before closing his newspaper and rubbing his forehead, " What in the world did she break this time, I swear by the time she is done with work today, I will age by fifty more years."

" I just hope she hasn't hurt herself," said Yin Xia as she stifled a groan and kicked off the water vat that was lying on her foot. Thank goodness, she poured the water out or else she would have to work with her toes swollen like sausages.

Father Yin shook his head as he pushed himself off the chair and walked inside the cottage while Yin Xia chased after him the two of them pushed the back door open and walked inside. It was pandemonium… the pots and pans were on the floor while the armchair that sat in the corner near the fireplace was on the floor and as for the culprit she was standing on her bed, a terrified expression on her face.

" What is the matter with you?" Father Yin asked in exasperation and a tired voice, he was sure that he has raised his daughters all right even without his mate but why was he feeling as if he failed in raising one of his daughters? " What were you doing fighting a typhoon or what? How in the world did you make the house this messy all of a sudden?"

" Spider! There is a spider!" Yin Zhu shrieked as she pointed to the small creature that was scuttling on the floor. Ever since she was young, she had an intense fear of spiders, she did not know why but it had something to do with one of her childhood memories.

When she was ten, Yin Zhu was taken to the town by her mother. It was the same day when her mother vanished from the face of this world and their lives as if she didn't even exist. As for Yin Zhu, her father found her in a small alley scared and stiff, she didn't seem to be hurt nor was she abused by anyone. But when her father found her, she couldn't tell him anything, she didn't remember where her mother was or where did she go.. all Yin Zhu told her father was that she was scared of spiders and ever since then, her fear of spiders have gotten worse and worse.

Father Yin knew that his daughter was scared of spiders the most, he has taken her to the healer of the town who simply told him that Yin Zhu was traumatised by something. However, no matter how many times Father Yin asked his daughter what scared her, she didn't tell him or she couldn't tell him.

It was as if a part of her memory was gone.

This was one of the reasons other than her being an omega why he was terribly protective of his daughter who was fragile like glass.

" Calm down, I will take care of it," Yin Xia on the other hand did not know why her sister was scared of spiders for her father had never told her anything. Sometimes she would find it amusing but seeing how pale Yin Zhu's face was, Yin Xia did not tease her anymore, instead, she calmly looked at the small spider that was scuttling on the floor and snapped her fingers.

A small cup that was sitting in the kitchen rose in the air as soon as Yin Xia snapped her fingers and then it fell straight upon the spider before stopping up on the paper that was flying right behind it.

Having dealt with the spider Yin Xia turned to look at Yin Zhu and softly said, " Do you have to be this scared of them?

Yin Zhu didn't say anything instead she dropped to her knees and covered her face with her hands. She too did not understand why she was scared of spiders so much, however, every time she saw a spider, her entire knees would go weak and she would feel clammy and nauseous as if someone was choking the life out of her.

Her shoulders trembled instinctively and seeing her so scared and fearful Yin Xia lost her mood to tease her instead she sighed and then went to the kitchen where she picked up a glass of water and poured water in it. Once the glass was full, she returned to Yin Zhu and handed her the glass full of water. "Are you okay, if you don't feel all right, why don't you take the day off? We will tell Madam Huo that you fell ill, after all, you haven't been contracted as a servant yet so it's fine for you to delay as long as you want."

It wasn't as if the master of the Situ family will especially remember Yin Zhu.

" No, I have to go," Yin Zhu did not want to trouble her sister and her father. What if the two were scolded because of her? " I will come I am just spooked and nothing else after all it was just a spider."