Where is my sister.

Payton stood up from the ground and then clapped his hands, two men who were hidden in the shadows appeared out of thin air as soon as he did that, dressed in all black with only their eyes showing the man looked knelt in front of him. " Go and dump this woman's body in front of the maid's cottage and there is no need to be careful."

The two men bowed their heads as they picked up Chen Yu's body and then vanished in the air just as quickly as they arrived, once they were gone Payton turned to look at the man who was already walking away towards his mansion, he hurried after his master before continuing the conversation that the two of them were having before the maids came to disrupt them.

" Miss Zhang is going to be engaged, she came to see you just a few hours ago. Apparently, she is being forced into this engagement… her fiancé was chosen by her parents." Payton told his master.