
It was a bone just as she expected it, but as her gaze fell over the roots of the rose bushes she realised that in the ground not just one bone or two bones were buried, the entire garden was filled with bones and on top of those bones were the blooming rose bushes, her heart was already on the verge of fainting because of the murder that she saw earlier and now that she was seeing a bunch of bones that were buried under a flowerbed, her eyes almost rolled back and she almost fainted.

But then Yin Zhu somehow managed to stay awake, she knew that she could not faint here, if she was to faint here then she will be one of these bodies that were buried under this flower bed. With her heart thudding against her ribs loud enough for her to hear it and death looming over her like a vulture flying over its almost dead prey —— Yin Zhu decided to do something very stupid.

She scrambled on her fours and then started to run.