New place

" What? The eldest miss?" When Yin Zhu came back to the laundry room with a change of uniform that belonged to the maids who worked in the manor of the eldest young miss of the Situ family and told Yin Xia about the sudden change, her sister's reaction was just as bad as she thought it will be.

She dropped the washing board in her hand and it clattered on the ground with a harsh thump, mud splattering over it as it fell on the washing board but Yin Xia did not care about it getting dirty instead she rose from the stool and then rushed towards Yin Zhu as she caught hold of her arm and asked, " Did Madam Huo really say that?"

" She did," Yin Zhu nodded unhappily as she looked at her sister whose entire face was covered with worry lines. " Apparently both the eldest young master and third young miss want me to serve them but the master of the family put an end to it by making me eldest miss's maid because of all the work that father has done for him."