Caught by someone

The hair on the back of Yin Zhu's neck stood up on the end as sweat started to trickle down her back. She did not see anyone but she could feel that someone was hiding in the shadows, and from the flash of the camera that she just heard, she knew who was following her.

Yin Zhu swallowed hard, she looked left and right in the garden making sure there was nothing that could be used to harm her but as her gaze fell on the hoe and the big garden scissors that could be used to tear her apart, she gulped in nervousness.

" I need to get out of here as quickly as possible," she muttered under her breath and walked over to the bushes that had red strawberries growing on them, she needed to go inside the protection of the stone walls if not who knew what might happen to her?

As she took two steps forward but as soon as she walked over to the bushes, she felt another dash of flash in her peripheral vision and then she spun so fast that she stumbled on her feet.