Blood, thread and dead body

The man's eyes who was holding the sewing kit went wide, as all the blood in his body rushed to his head, he looked at Situ Ziyu with eyes that were shivering with fear. " Young master…?"

Everyone including Yin Zhu breathed in sharply when they heard that Situ Ziyu was asking the man to sew his lips. Yin Zhu held her breath as she looked at the man who was no longer laughing, now he looked like a terrified mouse who has been cornered by a big wild cat and knew that there was no way around to get out of this predicament.

He was going to die and that was the absolute truth.

Situ Ziyu sighed and then leaned down before taking the sewing kit from the man as he said, " Now stay put, I know you will do that for me, right?"