Driving me mad

Situ Xun looked at the girl with an amused look on his face, his amber eyes were sparkling with mirth when he saw that her face was turning red in anger. He curled his lips into a smile and then he waited for her to explode because he knew that Yin Zhu was not someone who would give up easily either and sure enough he saw her glare at him.

" I am not your slave! I am a worker of this family which means that I have particular working hours. You cannot keep me all day and night next to you just because you want me to stay, I am a person with feelings and emotions, you cannot hope that you can keep me by your side like a toy!" She retorted through gritted teeth, she wished she could yell at the three of them but she knew that she could not do that, she has seen these men kill without blinking their eyes, doing something as foolish as shouting at these men.