Drag them out of the abyss

Yin Zhu reached the bedroom where Miss Yaoyue usually stayed because of the marks on her face, she hardly ever went out and would only stay in her room playing the piano all day long. Something she was doing at the moment as well but at this very moment, the tune that Miss Yaoyue was playing was desolate and bleak. It was as if she was pouring her out without shedding a tear from her eyes —— the music was lonely so lonely that even Yin Zhu could not help but tear up for Situ Yaoyue.

She did not know what happened to the woman but she was very much aware that whatever happened to Situ Yaoyue was an accident or maybe a cruel scheme. The woman did nothing wrong but she was being treated by her mother like this, Second madam Situ did not even care about the fact that she was setting up her daughter with a promiscuous man but she cared about what kind of personal maid, her daughter was going to have because that will show off her status in this family.