The prettiest one in the mansion

Situ Yaoyue was really tempted, she looked at the garden that was empty because of the rainfall and clenched her fingers as if she was making up her mind. Ever since she was young she loved flowers and the rain when she was six she would often go to her elder brother's place who was fond of gardening as well but ever since that incident, she locked herself in the manor. 

It was not as if she did not want to go out, she did but if she was to leave her mansion then everyone would look at her. Whether she wore her mask or not they will all stare at her like she was a chimpanzee in a zoo who came to perform a show—— what was more many would run away from her saying that she was a terrible monster who had a curse of bad luck on her. 

Which was why they will all stay away from her and would not want to be touched by her.