Relatives of the first madam —-1

" Nothing of the sort that will interest, young master Mu Yan, it was just about my father and she was asking about how I was since she heard about the commotion from last evening," she answered under the threat of getting either of the pain in the bottom. 

" She was concerned about you?" Situ Mu Yan chuckled at her words when she nodded in response, the glint in his eyes twisted as he muttered, " So this is how she was going to do it this time." 

As the devious chuckle echoed around their surroundings, Yin Zhu could not help but get confused, what did he mean by those words?

He might have seen the confusion brimming in her eyes because he tilted his head and said, " Stay away from her, she is a harbinger of bad luck. The last time she was concerned about someone, they ended up naked and assaulted in a back alley, by whom no one knows till today."