Send her to the asylum ——1

Yin Zhu bit her inner cheek as she took a deep breath and tried to hide properly behind the aides of her masters, she wished that she would not be caught but she forgot that her silver hair was too inconspicuous, even if she could hide her tiny figure she could not hide her silver hair that shone under the light of the lamp that was glowing on the holding sticking in the wall. 

Madam Pei naturally caught her hair that was glimmering under the light of the lamp and then turned to speak to the three men who were standing in front of her.  " You three move out of the way, now." 

The three aides looked at each other and did not know what to do, they were simply servants of the Situ family while Madam Pei was the biological sister of the first madam and she was also the guest of their house but they still did not dare to move at once instead they all turned to look at their masters but how could Madam Pei give them a chance stop her?