Attack from behind in the dark

Yin Zhu pursed her lips, she knew that this woman was making things deliberately difficult for her but that only confused her even more. What was the point of making things difficult for her? If she wanted to say something or had a problem with Situ Ziyu getting into the skirt of a maid, should Pei Yuan not be making things more difficult for him than her?

Even though Yin Zhu felt wronged and at the same a bit annoyed with the hypocritical attitude of Pei Yuan, there was a limit to what she could say or not. Pei Yuan was right, she was just here for a few months as long as she continued to stray away from the path of the three young masters they will definitely lose interest in her and when that happens she will be a perfect target for a woman like Pei Yuan. 

Though she still wanted to question this woman on how she could be so shameless as to say that the Late Madam deserved to be killed and yet seek the antidote that she came up with.