Played like a fool

" You all have no idea how it feels to be——"

" Oh, are you going to start with your sob story? Then I will ask you to let me pass," he raised his foot and then walked over to his chair after he dipped his foot and wiped the tip of his shoe on the young vampire's clothes. " I have heard it all and many times, I am afraid that I will take a nap if you were to start the same thing as others." 

" You bastard…" the young vampire who was lying on the floor cursed at Situ Ziyu, because of this man, his entire world was tipped upside down and he lost everything in just one night and yet this young master was acting as if that incident was nothing to him—— that it left no scar on him…maybe it did not but for him, that night was the darkest night of his life.