Canvas that was yet to dry

Yin Zhu had no idea what was going on in the main manor, nor did she know about the heirloom which will cause a lot of trouble for her in the incoming future like a disaster that cannot be avoided. At this moment, she was following Fan Qiu who was nervously muttering something to himself but unlike Situ Mu Yan and the rest, she was not an alpha and she couldn't listen to what he was talking about, all she heard were a few words here and there which included, ' beat up', 'tragedy', ' worried.'

The two of them arrived at the second master manor where Fan Qiu took her to the old butler who was in charge of the place. Unlike the manor of the eldest master and Miss Yaoyue, there seemed to be a lack of maids working in the manor of the second master and even if Yin Zhu caught sight of a maid or two, they would duck their heads down nervously and then scamper away.