The man in prison ——2

" Do you want me to go even more crazy?" He could not help but mutter as he looked at Yin Zhu, he had been looking forward to having her sit in front of him where he could ask her to model for him as he wished, though the ideas which he had in his mind were very different from the ones that he made her do, he still did lack the courage to push this woman to a corner. 

For some reason, he did not wish to bully her like he did to others much less cause her any pain. 

He stared at Yin Zhu, his eyes growing darker by the second. She was the kind of woman from whom he can never get bored, he wished he could do this over and over again, with him and her alone. He stared at her defenceless state and could not help but click his tongue in distaste for someone who was wary of him and his brothers, she was a bit too trusting regarding the promise which he made to her along with his promise.

Did she not know? Promises were meant to be broken.