Claim ——- kneel

" But I already thanked you," though Yin Zhu could feel the hand on her waist kneading her skin, she still pretended to act naive. With her eyes flickering she looked at the man in front of her with a calm expression on her face while trying to hide her panic. 

Situ Xun smiled, but this smile did not bring Yin Zhu any comfort instead it only made her pulse hitch up as she felt his hand which was tipping her chin cup her cheek as he brought his thumb to her lips and then pushed the pad of his thumb inside her mouth causing Yin Zhu to part her lips as he commanded, " Suck." 

" What…" Because of the thumb which was inside her mouth, Yin Zhu's voice was muffled as she looked at the man who was commanding her like a pet dog. " Why..?" Why should she suck just because he told her to do so?