Emotional outburst

" This cannot be done Mother," Miss Yaoyue signed with her hands as she looked at her mother who was getting more and more out of control. " Yin Zhu only serves me in the morning, at night she has to serve the three heirs.  That is something that you cannot just change on a whim." 

Madam Tian narrowed her eyes, she had not invited the maid because she wanted to see her at the banquet. In fact, she would have preferred for this maid to stay somewhere far where she did not have to see her face maybe in another cycle or something of the sort, that way she will never step inside the mansion ever again. The only reason she wanted this maid to be there was to mark sure that she will think twice before getting in her way ever again.

Clearly, Situ Yaoyue was present in the dining room with her and she must have heard everything that went inside the dining room but instead of standing up with her, her daughter was standing beside a small maid. What a fantastic joke!