Her jealousy

Madam Duan pushed the door of her private office and entered, she headed towards the cabinet from where she took out a flint and then with the burning flint she ignited the flick of the lamp which was sitting on the side of the table. Once the lamp on the table was lit up, Yin Zhu watched the two magical lamps on the side collecting a small flame of their own from the burning lamp before turning on themselves.

" Since the time I started working as a seamstress, I have never seen someone as bold as you. I have created multiple dresses and qipaos but I have never thought of aligning them together," said Madam Duan as she walked towards the small platform which was sitting on the corner of the room where stood a mannequin covered by a white cloth. " But I have to say that your courage did not seem to be fake, I was quite surprised with the results."