A gentle man


Omegas were vulnerable creatures but that did not mean that they did not have any means to escape. While the first grade omegas could control the emotions of alphas such that they would calm down they could also knock omegas down depending on their strengths. On the other hand second grade omegas could use their powers to stun the alphas for a while, it was only the third-grade omegas who were the weakest among the three giving them no chance of escaping from the grips of alphas, as long as they were caught they would be under the control of alphas. 

Zeng Fang's words were not spoken lightly, which caused many guests to turn and look at her, including Madam Chou and Madam Tian. When Madam Tian heard that the omegas that were brought by Situ Zhilan were third grade, she turned to look at Madam Chou and gloated heavily, " Just a pair of third-grade omegas? My god, I thought she caught a pair of first-grade omegas for you to fly so high in the sky."