Taste of heaven

 " Let go," she whimpered. Yin Zhu had never thought that she would allow a man to touch her without a ring and the vows in the chapel but here she was lying almost naked on the bed of a man while three men touched and teased her. 

A finger hovered over her core as she heard Situ Ziyu's voice drifting over to her head from behind her, " This is what you agreed to just now, Cherry. I am afraid that you cannot go back on your words now that you have agreed to it." 

She couldn't he was right. He really could not go against the promise that she had made because this time not only her life but even the lives of those who were dear to her were on the lines and she did not want to spend her life in confinement at the council where they would take her blood every day and make it into potions. 

Compared to that she would rather make a deal with these devils at least they would protect her no matter what.