Would look good in a coffin

"Would you look at that?" Situ Ziyu snapped as he stabbed his chopsticks into the half-done boar belly in front of him so hard that he cracked his plate "Someone has gained another admirer." 

"Ziyu, no," Situ Xun was aware of what Situ Ziyu was planning. He turned to look at his youngest brother and said solemnly, "Whatever you are thinking, do not do it." 

"Why?" Situ Ziyu turned to look at his brother and hissed. "He would look so freaking amazing with a flower wreath while lying in the coffin." 

"I am afraid that I agree, Brother Xun," Situ Mu Yan agreed for the first time with Situ Ziyu which was enough to show how serious the situation was, as Situ Mu Yan hardly wasted his words much less take the pain to get up and do something that he did not want or something that would consume his energy. 

Yet, he was willing to make the effort to kill Ye Zexian.